Managing the Meltdowns | Part 1: Screen Health Discussion
Does your kid have excessive emotional melt downs? There are so many reasons this could be. Marriage and Family Therapist, Kelly Nicassio has observed with countless clients, that the excess of "screen time" in the home is one of the largest culprits contributing to negative emotional health in the child. In this workshop, come and learn why you should and how you can say “no” to an excess of screens to have happier, healthier children. The goal of this workshop is to provide you with research-based interventions and a specific plan of action so that you leave feeling motivated and confident to reduce screens in your home in 2023. This is an adults only event, designed for parents and caregivers looking to develop a healthier relationship with technology in their home. On site childcare will be provided for an additional fee.
$ 45 USD
One time